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A rusty hot plate on a coffee maker is something that tends to occur over time, but can be cleared up with relative ease. How To Remove Rust For Home Coffee Machine Full Guide And Keep Your Coffee Maker Last Long Always |])), Here Are The Ultimate Guides.
Materials Needed:

White vinegar
Baking soda
Lemon juice
Optional: naval jelly rust remover
Coarse-grit sandpaper
Clean cloths or paper towels
Rubber gloves
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Unplug the Coffee Maker:
Remember to unplug the coffee machine and allow its hot plate to cool before cleaning.
Apply White Vinegar:
This blot in lemon juice or white vinegar and install on it a clean tissue Paper, Then let it rest for 30m-1hr. That is because vinegar is simply acidic but not oxidizing – it corrodes iron by attacking the rust.
Scrub with Baking Soda:
Then sprinkle baking soda over the area. You should clean the hot plate using a damp cloth or soft brush. As baking soda is abrasive itself, it removes the rust particles1.

Rinse and Dry:
Use a wet cloth over the still-hot hot plate. Dry it completely after washing as further rust may occur.
A Lemon Juice and Baking Soda Paste
Prepare the Mixture:
Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and baking soda to create a paste. Lemon juice: Like vinegar, lemon juice is acidic and will break down rust 2.
Apply the Paste:
Spread this paste on the affected area and keep it for 30 minutes.
Scrub and Rinse:
Brush, and wipe the rust away Wash with a damp cloth Dry thoroughly
Way 3 : Navel Jelly Rust Stripper
Apply Navel Jelly:
Apply navel jelly rust remover ( wear rubber gloves) with a brush to the rusted area. Use 1 per container as indicated for best results1.
Let it Sit:
Allow the time course suggested by the navel jelly to act, usually about 15-45 minutes depending on how severe is the rust.
Rinse and Dry:
Hot plate — Wash in water and dry it properly.
Method 4: Sanding the Rust
Sand the Rust:
These chops hot plate, rub sand coarse grid sand paper take them udo Step 2: Move on to a fine grit fill working away most of the rust.
Clean and Dry:
STIR WELL & SERVE:Scrub hot plate to get rid of dirt,use a cool wet towel then dry completely.
Prevention Tips:
Dry the Hot Plate-The hot plate should not have any water or moisture on and is properly wiped down after each use.
Scrub it on daily basis: Ensure you clean the hot plate every day to prevent rust.
Spill Recuction: may attempt not to lose certain beverages on the hotplate equivalent agitation water, or else coffee. Clean up spills immediately.
The above methods can help you to remove rust in your coffee maker hot plate and keep it working perfectly. Regular maintenance will help so that rust does not form over time in the future.
Which of these do you use to take care of your coffee maker or do you have another tip that works great?
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